Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Saturday Eye Appointments at Kenwood Vision Pro

Most Americans are extremely busy people. There just aren't enough days in the week to get everything done. Sometimes when we are so busy our health takes a back seat to the demands of our jobs, families, or significant other. We forget that if we don’t have our health we have nothing.

At Vision Pro we care about your health and we also know how hard it can be to take time out of your weekday schedule for an eye exam. That’s why at our Kenwood location we have an eye doctor every
other Saturday to conduct eye exams. Sure, going to an eye exam on a Saturday might not be the
highlight of your weekend, but if you like healthy vision eye exams are a must.

Besides finding the right corrective lenses, eye exams can detect a potentially treatable disease that
would otherwise leave you blind. As well as detecting ocular manifestations of systemic disease and
signs of tumors or other potential problems of the brain. If you have a condition that affects your sight get it diagnosed and optimize your vision.

So plan that Saturday out: set up an appointment then take care of some shopping in the Kenwood area. Call to set up your appointment today!

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