Monday, September 15, 2014

What is Pink Eye? The Story of Conjunctivitis

Almost everyone has had pink eye. You probably had it as a little kid and don’t even remember it. Still, knowing about pink eye can help prevent future infections. So this can help you keep an ‘eye’ out for the pink.

What is it? What to do?
Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outer layer of the eyeball) and is a common cause for a sore eye. There are several types of conjunctivitis: viral, bacterial, herpes simplex, and allergic, or it can be caused by eye drops.

Viral conjunctivitis, as the name implies, is caused by a virus and is the most common kind of pink eye. Similar to the common cold, the immune system will work the virus out over a couple of weeks. Viral conjunctivitis is very itchy and will emit a watery discharge. It is typically treated with eye drops to relieve the symptoms otherwise the virus must run its course.

For a period of 10 to 12 days those that have the virus are highly contagious. To prevent the spread:

*Avoid touching your eyes then people or objects.
*Avoid sharing towels and linens
*Wash your hands often
*Handle and clean all eyewear to sterilize it

Bacterial conjunctivitis is obviously caused by bacteria. Bacterial conjunctivitis will emit a pus like discharge from the eye but is rarely itchy. This is typically treated with antibiotic eye drops.

Herpes simplex conjunctivitis is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This typically causes more pain and discomfort than other kinds of pink eye. Blisters may present themselves on your eyelids of conjunctiva. Doctors will likely prescribe anti-herpes medicines.

Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by allergies such as hay fever that lead to itchy, watery, and red eyes. Typically, antihistamines to treat the allergy will help to cure the condition.

Eyedrop conjunctivitis can result from regular use of medicated eyedrops. Sometimes the preservatives or the medication in the eye drops can cause sensitive eyes to redden and become sore. Switching to a different kind of eyedrop is usually the solution.

Although pink eye is a common eye condition there are other eye ailments that can present themselves similar to pink eye. If you are having any sort of prolonged eye redness please call Vision Pro today. Our on staff of optometrists are here to help you maintain healthy vision.

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