Monday, August 4, 2014

Aging and Eyesight: Is it Time for an Eye Exam?

Most people don’t want to get old. However, growing older is inevitable and so are the associated aches and pains along with diminished eyesight. The onset of changes in your eyesight varies among people due to genetics and overall health of each individual.

If you are over 40 years old you may have noticed changes in your eyesight. These may be subtle changes such as having more difficulty seeing clearly while reading or focusing on close up projects. Typically, these changes begin to occur between ages 40 and 60.

Most adults in their 40s will begin to experience symptoms of presbyopia, a normal condition where your eyes lose their focusing ability over time. As you age your lenses lose their flexibility making it more difficult to see clearly. Here are some signs that this may be happening to you:

  • Need for more light to read or work on projects.
  • Problems with glare. For example, while driving at night the headlights of oncoming traffic will create more glare than when you were younger because the light is scattered rather than focused directly on the retina.
  • Changes in the way you perceive color. The normally clear color of the lens may discolor overtime affecting the way you perceive colors.
  • Difficulties reading and focusing up close.

If you are experiencing any of these signs there is some good news. However, this good news does require that you can be proactive. It may be time for eye glasses, contact lenses, or even corrective laser surgery.

Set up an eye exam today with Vision Pro and our professionals can help you find the best solutions for your eyesight!

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