Thursday, March 6, 2014

How the Human Eye Sees

The eyes have been said to be ‘windows to our souls.’ Although more aptly put they are image receptors. Regardless, they are incredible sensory organs, especially once you consider how they work. The human eye is capable of seeing the flame of a candle from miles away or a speck of dust on a table. Our eyes allow us to see thousands of colors, perceive objects in three dimensions, and pick up on the slightest of movements.

The human eye is spherical in shape and despite being a small organ it is quite complex. For perfect vision every structure of the eye must work correctly, even the slightest error, a fraction of a millimeter, can affect our sight. If everything is in working order, the eye will capture light, focus that light, and then relay that image to the brain to process what is taking place.


When we look at an object rays of light are illuminating it. These rays are reflected off the object and into our eyes. The first structure of the eye that light hits is the cornea where light is refracted and brought into focus. After these rays exit the cornea they travel deeper into the eye to the iris and the pupil. Here the iris blocks rays of light from going deeper into the eye while the rays of light that enter the pupil are processed. Your pupil will contract or expand depending on environmental conditions. If it is bright and sunny your pupils will contract to restrict light entering the eye. It if is dark your pupils expand to allow more light to enter the eye.

Once light has been processed by the pupil it reaches the lens. Here the rays of light are refracted to bring them into focus more.  The light then continues on to the vitreous cavity, and then into further focus on the retina. Within the retina different photo receptors are stimulated by different wavelengths of light. Those that are activated send their signals to the optic nerve, which then relays a signal to your brain. Then your brain processes this information.

If you consider all the amazing things that take place within our complex eyes in order to see you can understand how important it is to receive proper eye care services and products. If it has been awhile since you have had an eye examination or it might be time to get new glasses or contacts call Vision Pro today to set up an appointment.

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