Friday, July 24, 2015

Stop Putting Water In Your Eyes!!

What eye doctors tell their friends~

"A friend once asked, 'If I'm staying over with someone and I don't have contact solution with me is it okay to wet my lenses at the sink?'  I told her that it's absolutely not okay, and not because water is damaging to your contacts-it's dangerous for your eyes.  Tap water can contain infection-causing pathogens, the worst of which is the acanthamoeba parasite:  Expose your eye directly to it and you could end up needing a corneal transplant.  So if you wear contacts, keep a travel size bottle of solution with you at all times.  In a pinch simple saline, sterile water, or artificial tears can be used to rinse lenses too-or even your eyes, if you get something in them.  Then be mindful when you shower or wash your face.  You want to keep your eyes closed as much as possible so you don't get water under your eyelids." - Rosalind C. Vo. M.D., an opthomologist at the Stein Eye Institute in Los Angeles and Doheny Eye Institute in Fountain Valley, CA