Monday, November 17, 2014

Potential Causes of Eye Twitching

Are you getting funny looks because people think you are winking at them? Are they wondering if you are some kind of shady dealer because after you say something you end with a wink?

Eye twitches can be annoying and at the very least be the source of insecurity in social situations. So what causes them and are they a health concern?An eyelid twitch, referred to as a blepharospasm by eye care professionals, is an involuntary and repetitive spasm of the eyelid muscles. They are often mild and feel like a gentle pulling on the eyelid.

In most cases eyelid twitches are a result of everyday life, from external things to diet and lifestyle.

The following have been known to cause eye twitches:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Fatigue and or lack of sleep
  • Bright lights
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Irritation of the eyes or eye strain
  • Side effects of medication

Luckily, you can control most of the causes above by what you put into your body. By altering the amount of alcohol or caffeine consumed your eye twitch will likely dissipate on its own. The same can be said for cutting back or quitting smoking and trying to improve your sleeping patterns. Additionally, limiting your time staring at computer or televisions screens, which can cause eye strain, could help to alleviate the problem.

In some rare instances, eyelid twitches can be a sign of certain brain and nervous system disorders. If an eye twitch is a predecessor to a chronic illness it is always followed up by other symptoms. Illnesses with symptoms that include eye twitches are as follows:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Bell's palsy
  • Cervical dystonia
  • Dystonia
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Oramandipular dystonia and facial dystonia
  •  Parkinsonism

If you have had an eye twitch that has been persistent and have other associated symptoms contact your physician. If you have been experiencing persistent eye twitches please feel free to set up an eye exam with us today!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Keeping an ‘Eye’ on the Kids: Children’s Eye Exams

As a parent of an infant you may wonder at what age should I take my child in for an eye exam and how often after that? Is it really that important when they are so young? Taking your child in for an eye exam is important because it allows eye care providers a chance to diagnose the onset of any vision problems early in a child’s life. Early diagnosis can lead to more effective treatments as young children are more responsive to treatments than adults.

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA) 5% to 10% of preschoolers have vision problems and 25% of all school aged children do as well. Early diagnosis can help your child not fall behind and have a happy, well-adjusted life.Additionally, early eye exams are important for children’s ability to learn. The basic skills below are directly related to a child’s ability to learn:

  •  Hand-eye coordination
  • Ability to focus 
  • Near and distant vision
  • Binocular (two eyes) coordination
  • Eye movement skills
  • Peripheral awareness

The AOA recommends that infants receive their first eye exam at 6 months of age. After this, children should receive eye exams at age 3, and around ages 5 or 6 (or just before they enter first grade). School aged children who don’t have any vision problems should get an eye exam every two years, and those with glasses or contacts annual visits are recommended.

Eye exams vary on the age of your child but typically eye exams for children focus on the following: family and case history, standard vision testing, eye health evaluation, and to determine if your child needs any vision correction, such as glasses.

If your child is ready for their first eye exam, is about to enter first grade, or is due for an eye exam feel free to give us a call to set up an appointment today.